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Botify Spring Release 2018 Is Here! Discover Our Latest Innovations

 min read
May 9, 2018
The Botify Team

Springtime is the right time for newness! That's why we were so busy this spring, preparing yet another surplus of new innovations.At Botify, our goal is to give SEO stakeholders the data, tools, and diagnostics necessary to create and maintain high quality digital assets for search engines. This spring, we took our vision even further, and produced even more innovations that help Botify users impact each stage of the ranking process.From content, to keyword research, to technical SEO, to customer experience, discover how our new innovations elevate your SEO.

Optimize Content for Google's New Requirements

Ensure content parity between AMP and canonical content to avoid penaltiesBotify is the only SEO platform that evaluates content like Google. Since February 1st, Google has been officially requiring AMP and canonical pages to match or to share "close parity" with one another, or face penalties. Our new content quality dashboard enables SEOs to precisely measure content parity between AMP pages and their canonicals to understand how parity impacts the visibility of AMP pages in the SERPs.Optimize structured data to slay the future of searchGoogle's latest moves on topics such as rich results, voice search, and job postings signal that the era of structured data is here! For each page Botify analyzes, structured data are now automatically extracted and evaluated. Schema such as Product, Offers, Restaurant, Postal Address, Job Posting, Ratings, Date, Recipe, and Breadcrumb can be combined with technical SEO and Keywords Research KPIs to create a clear picture of how structured data fits into the big SEO picture!

Base Keyword Strategy on Local Insights with the New Version of Botify Keywords

Botify Keywords (with geolocation) enhances worldwide market shareThe new age of SEO requires SEOs to go beyond scraping. Botify Keywords empowers SEOs to base their keywords research and tracking on authentic trending data pulled directly from Google Search Console. This new version of Botify Keywords includes a new section analyzing keywords performance by country. Country is now also a new filter in Keywords Explorer. It's time to adapt your strategy based on where people are looking for you!

Technical SEO: We're Raising the Bar, Again

Crawl and analyze up to 50 million pages per domainAnalyze up to 50 million pages per crawl! This is double our previous record, because we know our customers - some among the largest companies in the world - need uber-enterprise level capacity. And the best part: this new capacity still includes all the same analytics and features that make our platform the superior SEO solution including segmentation, filtering, and the entirety of URL Explorer. The only difference is the size. We always match the enterprise needs of SEOs!Fully map linking architecture with the new Link SelectorInternal linking is a powerful tool but manipulating internal links at scale can be difficult. Our new Link Selector makes it easy to clean and optimize your internal linking. Any linking related KPIs become potential filters for your reports and customized linking exports, such as listing all low quality sources with broken links to a strategic segment. Any other Botify KPIs like anchor text, Google crawl volume on source page, and PageRank can be used to complete your export.

Make SEOs' Lives (Even) Easier with Superior Customer Experience

Instantaneously compare any KPI with any past analysisBotify's unique crawl comparison capabilities allow SEOs to instantly compare any Botify KPI with any past analysis. Whether the crawl was one week ago, one month ago, or one year ago, our capacities now enable SEOs to instantly compare any data point between two crawls, from the biggest top level reports, to the most granular, specific KPIs. Botify's crawl comparison is the most detailed - and only - solution that can reveal how every facet of an SEO's site has changed at the URL level.Generate XML Sitemaps in just one click from URL ExplorerMake sitemaps for enterprise websites with the click of a button. Organize sitemaps by site segment or prioritize high-value content in sitemaps. Click on the XML Sitemap Generator and be done. Verify the sitemaps' success through Botify's SEO log file analysis by monitoring as URLs are discovered by search engines.Save time and make projects move faster with Botify's new export capacitiesBotify enables automatic and unlimited exports for any range of SEO KPIs, to make SEOs' projects move faster. Export 1 million lines per CSV, apply segmentation to Advanced Exports, and export multi-value fields for the most complete data manipulation capabilities.

Impact the Entire Organic Search Process with Botify's Unmatched Releases of Spring 2018

We loved building these features, we know SEOs are going to love using them! These latest innovations of Spring 2018 bolster our customer-centric vision by impacting every stage of the organic search process.To learn more about Botify's new capabilities, check out some of our spring webinars about the hottest SEO trends and optimizations of 2018:

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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