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Breaking News! Introducing Botify Keywords

 min read
August 30, 2017
Adrien Menard
Co-founder & CEO

Following the success of our multi-award winning applications, Botify Analytics and Botify Log Analyzer, we are pleased to announce the release of our newest solution, Botify Keywords.With the addition of Botify Keywords, for the first time, SEOs have visibility into real rankings (not scraped keywords) and control over what impacts them.

With Botify Keywords, Botify is the First Platform to Deliver Visibility into the Entire Search Ranking Process

Getting crawled, indexed and ranked represents the entire organic search ranking process. With our newest innovation, Botify provides visibility into every step of that process.Botify Analytics is the world-leading crawler giving SEOs the ultimate technical SEO and crawlability insights.Botify Log Analyzer is the only web server log file analysis application dedicated to SEO. It demonstrates how a well-optimized crawl budget can impact SEO performance.With the addition of Botify Keywords, the Botify platform unifies, for the first time, ranking data with the most advanced technical SEO insights.Botify now provides SEOs with full visibility into the ranking process and control over what impacts it.

Botify Keywords Reconciles the Power of Search Keywords with Technical SEO

Botify Keywords is based on the automatic integration of your Google Search Console accounts into the Botify platform. Rank tracking is paired with 350+ technical SEO metrics across all keywords pulled from Google Search Console. This new features now gives Botify users access to 500+ SEO metrics in total. This new technology allows us to deliver millions of actual user queries and rankings per domain, which means you can access more data than you've ever been able to before.Botify Keywords Gives Search Marketers Power over Search Queries

  • Search Intent: With Botify Keywords, you can see the exhaustive list of keywords visitors are actually using to search for your site. With this visibility, you can optimize content to match the way customers are searching for you.
  • Trend Detection: Our advanced ranking solution enables you to detect trends as they are happening. Understand when people start searching for major events. Get ready for Black Friday, Christmas or summer sales. Know immediately when a new trend emerges and capture growing demand.
  • User Behavior: Botify Keywords integrates Google CTR with your rankings and technical SEO KPIs. With SERP data, you can see when people don't click on your results and what to do about it. Is it a matter of meta tag optimization? URLs? Brand relevance? Understanding user behavior on result pages mean you can prioritize the most impactful SEO projects.

Botify Keywords Shows You How Technical SEO Elements are Affecting Rankings

  • SEO Indexable: Are your rankings affected by indexation issues? Too many not indexable pages, broken links, or bad management of canonicals can mean high quality content is not able to be indexed and, as a result, unable to be ranked.
  • Crawl Budget: Is my ranking affected by a low crawl ratio, low frequency of crawl or search engine crawl focused on low quality pages? Botify Keywords will uncover how your rankings are impacted by poorly optimized search engine crawl.
  • Content Quality: Are there duplication, content size, or content staleness issues that can impact your rankings? Botify offers unique content metrics that evaluate the quality of content for every page on your site.
  • Internal Linking: Easily compare how high-ranked pages are linked on your website versus low-ranked pages. Is it a matter of depth, internal linking or internal PageRank? Be sure that your strategic content benefits from an optimized internal linking structure to improve rankings.

Botify Keywords Offers all of the Advanced Features that Make Botify an Award-Winning Platform

  • Multi-Device Reports: We know what it is like to live in a mobile-first world. That's why Botify Keywords' dashboard can be viewed by desktop, mobile, tablet or all so you can segment performance and understand behavior distinctions on all devices.
  • Fully Automated Integration Process: Have another cup of coffee! The Botify Keywords integration is fully automated so there's no extra work for you.
  • Keywords and Page Segmentation: Understand the power of your brand in your SEO. See which sections of your site are performing well and which are underperforming.
  • Actionable Reports: Our goal is always to make your life easier. Find the most relevant charts prioritizing what you can do to improve ranking performance with technical SEO metrics.
  • Keywords Explorer: Sometimes, SEOs need to go deeper than our standard reports. Keywords Explorer was built to let you do just that. This fully customizable ranking report allows you to see ranking pages and their technical SEO KPIs the way you want to.

Get Started

Botify is excited to offer this latest innovation to the SEO community!Get started with Botify Keywords now. Tune into our French or English webinars to learn more about the capabilities of Botify Keywords or request a Botify Keywords demo to learn how you can take control of search.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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