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Enterprise SEO

Enterprise Advanced Exports: Unequalled Data For Your Deep Dives

 min read
September 20, 2017
The Botify Team

The days of limiting your data exports are over! With Botify's enterprise advanced exports, now you can make unlimited exports of your Botify data.Enterprise advanced exports allow our customers to export CSV files of untruncated Botify data to an Amazon S3 bucket, with no limit on the number of rows of data that can be exported. This release breaks new ground for our largest customers, allowing them to illuminate broader SEO trends within a sea of uncut data.Enterprise advanced exports lets you dive deeper into your SEO analysis, by retooling our advanced exports feature to deliver complete data sets for customers whose websites generate hundreds of millions of SEO data points.

Taking Advanced Exports to the Next Level

Building on advanced exports, enterprise advanced exports offers the same metrics with unlimited export capability. Botify customers can use enterprise advanced exports for all the exports in our Data Exports section, including:

  • All External Links
  • All Internal Links
  • Links to non-indexable URLs
  • Redirection Links
  • Broken Links
  • All URLs Detail
  • Non-indexable URLs Details
  • Canonical Tags
  • Uncrawled URLs from reaching crawl limit
  • Uncrawled URLs because out of scope

Advanced exports can each populate 100 million links and data points per downloadable CSV file. But for the biggest websites, even this gigantic scale can mean an incomplete data set. Enterprise advanced exports eliminates this ceiling, giving large businesses the freedom to manipulate key SEO data on an enterprise scale.

Full Reports for Enterprise-Level Datasets

Enterprise advanced exports give even our largest customers access to complete data for further manipulation. Botify customers can use their data in third party platforms to generate more complex SEO visualizations and statistical insights. Enterprise advanced exports also allows customers to keep comprehensive off-site records of key crawl information.Confidence in complete data means SEOs of even the largest sites can:

  • Find broken links - see how broken links are affecting a website with redirects and errors without link limitations.
  • Trace internal links/external links - get the full picture of a website's linking structure with a complete list of all associated internal and external links.
  • Discover uncrawled pages - download a comprehensive list of all of a website's uncrawled URLs due to crawl limits or scope problems.


Taking Advantage of Enterprise Advanced Exports

Enterprise advanced exports are found in the Data Exports section of Botify. To take advantage of enterprise advanced exports, users will have to configure an Amazon S3 bucket, with a little help from a CSM. After setup, customers are free to export data, without limitation, to the Amazon S3 bucket.When an enterprise advanced export is performed, the export is broken into several different files, each comprised of 25 million lines of data. A Manifest.txt file is created to record the URIs of all the files that were generated by the export.

Completing the Picture with Enterprise Advanced Exports

The most incisive observations are always made from a bird's eye view. Enterprise advanced exports not only encourages this view, but fills in the blanks that make it harder to see the connections.Contact your CSM for more details about taking advantage of enterprise advanced exports today.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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