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Making Exports Even Easier: Botify's Advanced Exports Just Got Upgraded

 min read
March 21, 2017
The Botify Team

What could be better than unlimited access to all the reports you can imagine?Extract and share precisely the data you and your collaborators need quickly and easily, to gather insights and make data-driven decisions without wasted time crunching numbers.Botify's Advanced Exports feature allows you to download and dig into your data with endless possibilities and depths of insights. And now, we've made it even easier.

Botify's data exports just got upgraded

So what's new in Advanced Exports?

  • Broken Links are split into Redirects and Errors
  • Links exports are now divided into Internal and External links
  • Anchor Texts are now included in exports
  • Better organization of exports columns Focus on the cause of broken linksWhere are your broken links? How many are there? What impact are they having on your site's ability to rank in search engines? Get unlimited access to insights into your broken links - now split into distinct export scenarios to analyze Redirects and Errors more clearly. With all your Broken Links compiled in one place, it's easier than ever to fix them and clean up your site.
  • Discover where your links are coming or going
  • Export hundreds of thousands of lines worth of inlinks to understand precisely how your internal linking structure is impacting Google's ability to find, crawl, and rank your strategic pages. Advanced Exports now offers Inlinks and Outlinks as separate exports for simpler analysis.
  • Correlate semantic link data
  • What do your links say about your content? Find out exactly what semantic information is being shared with Googlebot for your internal and external links with a complete export of your links' including Anchor Texts.
  • Optimizing exports for the way you work
  • On top of new scenarios and reports, Advanced Exports got a makeover complete with improved Exports and upgraded files.In these weighty downloads, you've got a LOT of data to manipulate. We've removed columns that slow you down and added a few new ones (like Depth!) to make your analyses more impactful. Plus, we've reordered them all to make more sense for the way you work.And now, your Advanced Data Exports are optimized for Excel! No converting CSV files necessary - just export your reports and get to work!Botify's Advanced Exports are designed to save time and resources, and aid in collaboration to help you get back to the work that matters.How will you make use of Advanced Exports?
Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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