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Structured Data For SEO: Auditing For Errors, Gleaning Insights, & Preparing For The Future

Structured Data for SEO: Auditing for Errors, Gleaning Insights, & Preparing for the Future

18th June 2019Kyle BlanchetteKyle Blanchette

Structuring your data helps search engines like Google understand your website better, can lead to rich search engine results, and it has the ability to influence the traffic you get from search engines. It’s a worthwhile endeavor, but a potentially challenging one as well.

In this post, we’re going to walk you through what you need to know about structured data for SEO so that you can audit for errors, glean insights, strategically use it to your advantage, and prepare for the future.

New to structured data? Start here.

Structured data is markup that provides additional detail about a web page.

In Google’s own words:

Google Search works hard to understand the content of a page. You can help us by providing explicit clues about the meaning of a page to Google by including structured data on the page. Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content.

While Google works hard to understand what a page is about, it’s a bit of a guessing game. Using structured data eliminates that guessing by providing explicit clues about a page’s meaning.

For example, instead of Google seeing a string of numbers that looks like a phone number, structured data markup can tell Google explicitly “these numbers are my organization’s phone number.”

Example of organization markup.

Google accepts three different structured data formats:

If you haven’t yet experimented with marking up your content, we recommend looking through Google’s search gallery. Here, you can explore the types of structured data that are most likely to influence the way Google displays your pages in search results.

For example, adding product markup could result in price, rating, and availability information next to the product URL in search results:

In addition to the structured data Google uses for rich results, other structured data types from are helpful for organizing your content and providing search engines with extra context clues. If you’re just starting out with structured data, it may be a good idea to prioritize relevant types that Google uses for rich results before moving onto additional types.

Auditing your structured data for errors

If you’ve already implemented structured data on your website, it’s a good idea to audit it. During a structured data audit, you’ll want to ask:

Typically, structured data audits involve popping each URL into Google’s structured data testing tool and checking for errors. Not only is this time-consuming, but it doesn’t give you the full picture.

When auditing your structured data, you’ll want to know more than “is it broken?” You’ll also want to be able to see, at a high level, what might be missing or out of place.

One way you can do this is by segmenting your URLs. Botify sets up URL segmentation based on URL patterns, making it easy to create groups of URLs based on their shared properties. For example, an e-commerce website could create a segment for all their product pages. That way, you could check to make sure that all your product pages had product schema.

You could also work in the reverse. Instead of looking at a segment to check that all pages had relevant schema, you could opt to view all pages that already have a certain type of schema and audit that list for accuracy.

Crawling your website to find structured data issues at scale is much preferable to using the testing tool on your URLs one-by-one, so before you audit your structured data, we recommend a solution like Botify’s!

Glean insights from your structured data

You can do so much more with your structured data than just making sure it isn’t broken or missing. Since structured data can change the way Google understands and displays your web pages in search results, you’ll want to know how (if at all) your structured data is changing the way Google and visitors are interacting with your site.

Once you’re able to unify all your data, you’re able to get answers to questions like:

Once you understand how Google and visitor behavior changes with your structured data, you can use those insights to strategically modify your structured data for maximum impact.

Strategically using structured data to your advantage

Having a firm grasp of your site’s structured data and how it’s impacting performance can help you understand how to leverage structured data to your advantage.

Preparing for the future of structured data

While Google currently supports around 30 types of structured data for rich results, they’re working on adding more all the time. For example, Google just recently added support for FAQ and How-To, highlighting the fact that SEOs need to stay vigilant, ready to implement new, relevant structured data at any moment. At Botify we take the same view, always adding new features as Google releases updates.

The best way to prepare for the future of structured data is to realize that Google’s desire for it isn’t going away. Google wants it to be easier for them to understand content and display it in the most helpful formats for searchers. To do that, they need to be constantly innovating on the structured data front, and when they do, SEOs can use Botify to make sure not only that they’ve implemented it correctly, but also know how it’s impacting their bottom line.

If you’d like to learn more about Botify’s structured data capabilities, we recommend checking out our post introducing our structured data optimizations or by booking a demo to see it in action!

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