How do SEO experts tackle site structure and optimizations for Enterprise-level marketplace sites? It's Classified!With unpredictable site structures, Classifieds and Marketplace sites must work around challenging factors in optimizing for organic traffic. SEOs face off against rapidly expiring pages, complex navigation and categorization, and huge volumes of pages to index, rank, and drive traffic.
Botify Meetup: Top SEO Challenges of Classifieds Websites
Expert speakers from the Yellow Pages, Figaro Classifieds, and digital agency NetBooster were on-hand to share their tricks for staying ahead of fast-moving sites and tough competition.They spoke of their experience and tips for how they manage SEO for Enterprise-scale Classifieds. One by one, our round-table panelists addressed the Top SEO Challenges:
1. Content
Astuce SEO : La fiche de l'annuaire Pages Jaunes avec une description au-dessus de 100 mots sur-préforme. #seo #botifyMeetup
— zofia_zak (@zofia_zak) March 16, 2017
SEO trick: Yellow Pages' directory page with a description over 100 words performs better
2. Ranking and Type of Traffic
Et la réponse est ?#botify #seo pic.twitter.com/NNFjaXYDZY
— OlivierJob (@JobOlivier1) March 16, 2017
In 2007, 1 out of 4 Google searches were new. In 2017, how many Google searches have never been searched before?And the answer?
3. Volume & Page Life Cycles
#botify MeetUp : Les annonces qui expirent après 1 mois sont conservées sur un template different et pas listées par le Figaro
— LaurentCW (@LaurentCW) March 16, 2017
Classified ads that expire after 1 month are saved in a different template and not listed by Le Figaro
Les sites classifieds interdisent plutôt le crawl de la pagination pour mieux maîtriser le volume de pages #figaro #seo #botifymeetup
— zofia_zak (@zofia_zak) March 16, 2017
Classifieds sites prohibit crawl of pagination to better manage the volume of pages
Contrôler le budget de crawl de Google sur des sites de grand volume avec les logs et les codes HTTP 304 @BBussiere #BotifyMeetup pic.twitter.com/Al2a0wsQoY
— Xavier Durieux (@xavierdurieux) March 16, 2017
Control Google's Crawl Budget on sites which large volumes of pages with Logs and HTTP 304 codes
4. Navigation
Gestion des pages liste d'annonces vides : retirer du maillage ou ajouter les produits/ modèles similaires sur la page #seo #BotifyMeetup
— zofia_zak (@zofia_zak) March 16, 2017
Managing empty ad listing pages: Remove linking or add similar products/models to the page
#Botify MeetUp : Prioriser pages listing sans pagination pour gagner en budget crawl. S'ouvrir aux 100 PA les + récentes et sans facettes
— LaurentCW (@LaurentCW) March 16, 2017
Prioritize listing pages without pagination to save Crawl Budget.
5. The role (or not) of Rich Snippets
Rich snippets still have a role to play for many Enterprise-level SEOs. Our panelists agreed that there is significant value to be found in rich snippets, which can encourage click-through rates in competitive search engine results pages.
6. Mobile SEO Traffic
Mobile is the theme of the year for many SEOs, with AMP pages and the Mobile-First Index on everyone's minds.
7. Competition
Staying ahead of your competitors is every SEO specialist's eternal challenge. Every step of site optimization is done to be well-perceived in the eyes of Google, rank in search results, and rank ahead of the competition.
Classifieds & Marketplace SEO
A big thank you to everyone who attended and, of course, to our great speakers. With hard-won wisdom on facing the challenges uniquely faced by Classifieds sites, we hope you feel more ready to tackle what comes next for your SEO.
Botify Meetups
Stay tuned for future Botify Meetups in London, New York, and Paris! Join us to learn the ins and outs of technical SEO from the people who know it best.