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Holiday Gifts From Botify

 min read
December 22, 2016
The Botify Team

This December, we're finishing the year off strong with even more updates and exciting new features for you.We've heard your feedback, and we've made Botify even better to help you make impactful SEO decisions that drive real results.

Holiday Gifts from Botify

We're giving the gift of new SEO opportunities. Here are a few of the exciting things for you to unwrap, and take your SEO analysis to new heights in 2017!

  • The new-and-improved Botify Log Analyzer V3 is now available in Beta!BLA V3 is here, and we think it's the best one yet. With easier-to-use features, Advanced Scenarios, and more powerful tools, you'll just have to try it!
  • Export millions of URLs with the new Advanced ExportsFeeling limited by exports in the URL Explorer? Worry no more. Now, download millions of links at once to run comprehensive complex analyses.
  • Customize your data with brand new Metrics TablesDiscover hidden opportunities for SEO optimizations with tailored data tables. Mix and match indicators from any section of the dashboard for new depths of data.
  • Get inspired by SEO success with our Case StudiesSee how enterprise companies like yours have doubled organic traffic or successfully juggled multiple site migrations. Discover Botify Success Stories like these on the Case Studies page of our new website!

You asked, and we heard you. Botify is always working to make our Crawler and Log Analyzer better and more powerful, to help you uncover hidden opportunities and make data-driven decisions.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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