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Botify Wins For Software Innovation At The European Search Awards!

 min read
May 3, 2017
The Botify Team

Last week at the 2017 European Search Awards, Botify was named the winner for Software Innovation!This is the fourth award win for our software in the last year and with competition as fierce as ever in the industry, it's an honor to receive such a prestigious award.

Best Innovation in Software

Heading into the EU Search Awards this year, Botify was excited to have been named a finalist for the Innovation category.With industry-leading technology, Botify has been shaking up the search marketing landscape. With the unrivaled combination of the Botify Crawler and Log Analyzer working together, Enterprise SEOs are empowered to better understand how their site is seen by search engines with unprecedented visibility - and to take large-scale websites to new levels of organic traffic and revenue on both mobile and desktop. Add to that the recent launch of JavaScript Crawling capability (the first in the industry!) among other powerful features and we were confident that Botify fit the bill for Best Innovation in Software.

Award-Winning Technology

This latest win is the fourth award Botify has won in the past year for our ground-breaking software. Previous accolades include:

We at Botify are proud of the hard work and dedication that goes into our tool. It is an honor to have it recognized by peers and industry experts in the Search Marketing industry!

Botify at the EU Search Awards 2017

The "dress to impress" event was held in Krakow, Poland at the Stara Zajesdni and hosted by BBC favorite Andy Crane. In the company of some of Europe's best and brightest search marketing minds, our team thoroughly enjoyed a festive evening celebrating 29 well-deserved awards ranging from Best Campaigns to Search Personality of the year.And, of course, Innovation in SoftwarePhoto credit: European Search Awards

"It's always an honor to be included in the ranks of the top search marketers in Europe and we are thrilled to have won for Innovation in Software. The Botify team works hard to stay at the leading edge of Search Marketing Analytics technology, and to see that effort recognized by the industry is really great." - CEO Adrien Menard

Botify: Winner of Innovation in Software

2017 is off to a strong start with a win at the European Search Awards. And with this win for our innovative take on SEO analytics software, Botify is more motivated than ever to keep up the momentum and continue innovating and shaking up the industry.Coming off a series of wins across the globe in 2016, Botify is poised to deliver bigger and better technology and powerful tools to help SEOs drive insight-powered strategy to boost organic traffic and generate real results.

Congrats to @botify for taking home the Innovation - Software trophy! #EUSearchAwards

— EU Search Awards (@eusearchawards) April 27, 2017

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