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European Search Awards 2016: Botify Awarded "Best Search Software Tool"

 min read
May 6, 2016
The Botify Team


We are delighted to have won the award for Europe's Best Search Software Tool at Wednesday evening's ceremony, appropriately located a stone's throw from the emblematic Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

The Awards, which received a fantastic number and variety of nominations from what continues to be a burgeoning industry, made this the largest and most definitive reference for user opinion on the performance of suppliers in the search marketing space.Thank you to all of the the judges who voted for us, we are honoured with the award and pledge to deliver software and service that lives up to the accolade.CEO Adrien Menard commented: "The standard at the European Search Awards is incredibly high, so to pick up this award is a massive achievement. I'd like to thank our engineers, client services professionals, and the wider team at Botify for their dedication and hard work to make nights like this possible. We couldn't hide our satisfaction at winning, and it's great for our clients to see that the money they invest in us is helping us build a best in class product".

Great news! We are winners in the "Best search software tool" category at #eusearchawards. Thanks for your support!

— Botify (@botify) 4 mai 2016

This was Botify's first major award for the excellence of our application and we hope it goes some way to endorsing our belief that we now supply the most comprehensive technical SEO software on the planet.

@S4sight remet le prix du meilleur outil SEARCH à @botify #searchawards

— Search Foresight (@S4sight) 4 mai 2016

A win on home territory certainly led to some huge celebrations within the Botify team. However, with celebrations now over we're back focused on ensuring we retain the trophy in 2016. We've got some major feature enhancements planned for the coming months to keep our users at the cutting-edge and to help them drive maximum revenue from their organic presence. The future looks very exciting!

We can't stop scrolling through the brilliant photos from @botify of the #eusearchawards! Check them out!

— EU Search Awards (@eusearchawards) 6 mai 2016

You can check out the pictures from the 2016 European Search Awards Ceremony taken by our official photographer here, or just search for @Botify on Twitter.

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