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Botify Partners With Bing: Promote Indexing of Your Site's Critical Pages in Real Time

 min read
January 16, 2020
The Botify Team

Whether you're covering a breaking story, launching a new product page, or rolling out the latest seasonal line, waiting for a search engine to crawl your entire site to find your newest, most critical pages can mean all the difference between potential visitors finding your pages or your competitor's.

We're fixing that.

Back in October, we announced two new product suites - Botify Intelligence and Botify Activation. Together, they incite action and automation to save SEOs valuable time and drive results faster. With this in mind, we're thrilled to announce our new partnership with Bing to promote indexing of your most important pages as soon as they're published. In collaboration with Bing, we're cutting through the complexity to connect searchers with your content faster.

Driving more visitors to your top pages - at lightning speed

Through the launch of FastIndex - the first component of Botify Activation, SEOs will be able to submit their site's newest, most critical pages directly to search engines. The Bing API will be directly integrated within FastIndex (building upon Bing's new programmatic URL submission process) for promoting indexing. Additionally, webmasters can surpass the 10,000 URLs a day limit when using the API in Botify - an amazing benefit for industries with a consistent rotation of news announcements, products, and more.

While updating your XML sitemaps is still integral, submission through the Bing API promotes faster indexing for your most important pages (for example, your site's top-converting and revenue generating pages). To note, Bing's ranking algorithm prioritizes internal linking, so you should still make sure to optimize your linking for long-term success.

Botify is also participating in Bing's content submission API pilot. Announced in October, the content submission API will allow for the direct push of HTML, images, and other site content to the search engine and reduces the need for crawling. Through the pilot, Botify will be testing feeding HTML to Bing.

Amplifying opportunities for improving ROI

At Botify, we discovered that search engines miss more than half the content on enterprise websites. This presents a huge opportunity to increase traffic and revenue for brands through the organic search channel - a top revenue generator that is commonly underutilized.

"When asked why they were prioritizing SEO, SEO-mature executives were much more likely to say it was because organic search was the most effective revenue generation strategy." -- as cited in the Forrester Thought Leadership Paper "Realize Greater Revenue by Prioritizing SEO" commissioned by Botify.

When a search engine crawls your site, it may be spending time on "non-indexable" pages, such as duplicate content or pages responding with errors, before finding your revenue-generating or top-converting pages. This negatively impacts your site's crawl budget, resulting in crawl waste. With the data to back us, we've innovated to give you more control.

That's where our partnership with Bing comes in. When you don't have to wait for a search engine to crawl your entire site and find your most critical pages, getting your top pages in the index is fast and easy. By expediting the process, your site can achieve rankings faster, which means more traffic and conversions.

Innovating to better connect brands with search engines

Throughout the year, our team at Botify develops, tests, and innovates to help customers and the wider SEO community improve SEO performance for enterprise websites. We're excited for the launch of our partnership with Bing to better connect brands with the people who love (and could love) them.

That being said, we've got a whole lot more in the mix for you this year! If you're interested in staying in the know, feel free to give us a follow on Twitter. Already a customer? We'll be rolling more information out about this program soon.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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