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The New Botify Intelligence & Activation: Act Faster On SEO

 min read
October 22, 2019
The Botify Team

Are you (or your SEO team) struggling to focus on the tasks that will drive the greatest impact, while protecting critical content on your website? The latest product suites to hit the Botify platform were developed to help you drive greater opportunity, faster, from the organic search channel.Take a look:

Enterprise-level SEO just became more manageable

Botify Intelligence and Botify Activation, our two new product suites, overlay the award-winning Botify Analytics data solution giving brands a 360° approach to SEO. With Botify's full suite, you can now easily identify, prioritize, and action technical SEO tasks that drive immediate, sustainable, and recurring traffic growth and revenue opportunities, while protecting existing content assets from the potential pitfalls of search engine algorithm or other technical website updates."We started 2019 with an exciting announcement, an investment of $20 million dollars meant specifically for product innovation," said Botify's CEO & Co-Founder Adrien Menard. "Today that investment starts to pay dividends for the SEO industry, with the announcement of these new product suites."

Botify Intelligence for a clear SEO roadmap

Botify Intelligence provides prescriptive and prioritized technical SEO tasks based on the unique business requirements of each website. ActionBoard, the first feature under the new Botify Intelligence suite, analyzes hundreds of key metrics from Botify Analytics and removes the complexity and time constraints of determining what tasks will drive the biggest impact and why."Our users now have an SEO roadmap for their website that is geared towards driving the greatest impact," said Menard. "ActionBoard is purpose-built to free up a significant amount of time for technical SEOs to focus on more strategic and creative thinking involved in search engine optimization, while giving them the peace of mind of knowing they're prioritizing the right tasks."Also part of the Botify Intelligence suite is AlertPanel, an early warning system that gives SEO stakeholders peace of mind that they will quickly learn of any consequences related to search engine algorithm updates or other issues impacting traffic. AlertPanel is automatically configured to scan the most important pages of a specific website at unparalleled speed and scale and with the intelligence to know what is a true anomaly versus what is likely a result of seasonal trends. AlertPanel is configurable for basic HTML sites, as well as the more complex JavaScript sites."It's not uncommon for brands to come to Botify after experiencing a major, unexpected drop in organic traffic due to updates to their website or search engine changes," said Christophe Frenet, SVP of Product at Botify. "Often times, they can't identify exactly what caused the decline and therefore have no quick way of mitigating the issues. We built AlertPanel to provide a highly scaled safety-net for exactly this scenario: if the critical pages of your website suddenly lose important organic traffic, Botifty will immediately alert you and direct you to exactly where the issue is occuring."

Botify Activation to index your webpages faster

The Botify Activation product suite is designed to streamline and simplify manual SEO tasks. Through FastIndex, the first solution within Botify Activation, SEOs are able to quickly and easily submit new, updated, and relevant pages to search engines for indexing, giving a clear indication of the most important content on their websites.FastIndex addresses the challenge illustrated through Botify's recent annual SEO report, "How do Search Engines Crawl the Web," which uncovered the shocking truth that search engines see less than half of the typical enterprise website."Between crawl budgets and the growing use of JavaScript, which resulted in the new 'render budget', search engines are challenged to discover all of the relevant content across a brand's digital footprint," said Menard. "The result is that a brand's critical, high-value pages aren't being found, while search engines waste precious resources on other, low-value pages."

Are you prioritizing your SEO?

Botify customers can talk to their Customer Success Managers for more information about how to get Botify Intelligence and Activation. For those who aren't yet Botify customers but want to know more about these new product suites, request a platform demo here.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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