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Upcoming SEO Events & Webinars: Where To Find Us

 min read
February 16, 2017
The Botify Team

What's new in Technical SEO? What is happening in the industry that's got everyone talking?We want to be a part of the conversation to learn what's challenging SEOs and share how Botify can help uncover critical insights to help drive powerful optimization strategies.

Where can you find Botify in the coming months?

  • BotifyCONNECT: London, UK, February 23rdLondon Botifiers share their Top SEO Challenges for 2017 and how they plan to use Botify Analytics and Log Analyzer to tackle their toughest issues and achieve their big organic traffic goals.
  • Botify Meetup: Paris, FR, March 16thWhat are the biggest SEO concerns for Classifieds and Marketplace websites? Join our roundtable of experts in discussing how to optimize ever-expanding sites with expiring content and complex categorization. Register now to save your place!
  • SEO Campus: Paris, FR, March 9-10thA can't-miss event for SEO specialists in France - and we're speaking! We'll be talking about Google's confirmation of its limited Crawl Budget, and how to optimize it at Enterprise scale. Get tickets here.
  • SMX West: San Jose, CA, March 21-23rd3 full days of Search Marketing sessions? California, here we come. And we're bringing our knowledge of Crawl Budget with us! Check out our session to learn how to Accelerate Growth by Effectively Managing Crawl Budget. Save 10% with code BOTIFYSMXW17 when you register for SMX West!
  • E-Commerce One to One: Monaco, FR, March 22-24thHow do you increase organic traffic to your site? We'll be talking with leading Enterprise companies about growth-driving SEO strategies.
  • Napa Summit: Napa Valley, CA, March 30-31stBoost your Search Marketing expertise with us at the Napa event for Advanced SEO and SEM professionals! We're sharing our industry tips and tools for optimizing your Google Crawl Budget to increase your organic traffic. Sign up!
  • BrightonSEO: Brighton, UK, April 6-7thAt the UK's biggest SEO event, join in the conference and sessions to learn from industry experts. Attend a full-day course held by our own Annabelle Bouard on Managing Search Engine Crawling & Indexing. Register now so you don't miss out!## Upcoming WebinarsLearn from Botify's best without ever leaving your desk! Listen in as our Technical SEO experts walk you through the how-tos of critical optimization techniques and in-depth technical SEO analysis.
  • Botify's Content Quality AnalysisUnderstand how Google perceives your content, and take action!In English: Wednesday, March 29th - Register hereEn fran√ßais: jeudi 30 mars - S'inscrire ici
  • Optimize your Mobile Strategy with BotifyBecome fully knowledgeable on Mobile SEO and plan for Google's Mobile-First Index. Explore AMP, App Indexing, and relations between Desktop and Mobile Sites!In English: Wednesday, April 12th - Register hereEn fran√ßais: jeudi, 13 avril - S'inscrire ici

Stay tuned for more Botify Meetups in New York, London, and Paris throughout the year, covering in-depth SEO topics with experienced speakers ready to share their hard-won tips, tricks, and insights into driving organic traffic and revenue for their websites.And later in the year, you can catch us at some of the biggest SEO and Search Marketing conferences and events including SMX East, BrightonSEO, among others!Sign up and join us! We hope to see you there.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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