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Uncover Actionable Insights Faster With Settings Pre-Check

 min read
May 22, 2017
The Botify Team

Settings Pre-Check has arrived for all Botify users!Get accurate results quickly and efficiently. Settings Pre-Check helps you ensure your crawl is set up correctly the first time.

Get to the insights faster with validated crawl settings

With Settings Pre-Check, the first time's the charm. Achieve a more efficient, comprehensive SEO crawl by removing the risk of configuration issues resulting in errors like a 1-URL report.Settings Pre-Check helps you review your analysis settings to:

  • Ensure correct configuration
  • Save time (no need to re-crawl!)
  • Get the most insightful data

Get Insights Faster

Errors in crawl waste valuable time that could be better spent analyzing complete, accurate data insights.Settings Pre-Check offers two helpful safeguards against launching an incomplete crawl. First, Botify verifies that the starting point of your SEO analysis is valid. Second, we check to see if a Sitemap file is available on site to be added to the crawl settings.Save time by validating your settings in advance to be sure that:

  • The start URL is retrievable
  • A start URL is not a redirection
  • A start URL is compatible with the robots.txt of the website
  • A start URL has valid links
  • All links within a start URL are compatible with the robots.txt
  • All links within a start URL are compatible with the allowed domains

To ensure a complete crawl, Botify automatically detects if:

  • A Sitemap file is available
  • The Sitemap URL returns a HTTP 200 status code
  • The Sitemap URL can be found within the robots.txt file (and retrieved)

Uncover SEO Actions with Settings Pre-Check

Now available for all Botify users, Settings Pre-Check means you can get into your insights faster to uncover your most impactful next steps.Try Settings Pre-Check for your next crawl and start optimizing!

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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