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The New Version Of Botify Keywords Is Here!

 min read
January 24, 2019
Frank Vitovich
VP, Solutions Consulting

Do you know the actual keywords generating traffic on your website? Do you know how your website pages are ranking daily by Google? For any countries in the world? Per device? In short, are you confident in your keyword strategy and satisfied that you know what your audience is searching for and clicking on the search results pages?If you answered yes to all of the above, GREAT; but if you didn't, Botify's latest major release of Botify Keywords can help.With our new version of Botify Keywords, we are revolutionizing keyword research and ranking analysis by providing full transparency into what, when, where, and on which device people are finding your website.

What's New in Botify Keywords?

Botify Keywords was already the first platform to empower SEO's with the ability to reconcile SEO KPIs with real keyword rankings and real user behavior on search results pages. With our latest release, Botify Keywords is becoming the ultimate optimization and reporting keywords tool for Enterprise websites. Discover how it can benefit your daily SEO operations:

  • Stop wasting time deciding which keywords to track on which devices and unlock every ranking keyword generating impressions automatically,
  • Don't be delayed with outdated reports, your Botify Keywords reports are generated every day,
  • See new or lost rankings everyday,
  • Add daily real user behavior insights to your ranking reporting,
  • Forecast revenue gained or lost depending on search volume or changes in CTR,
  • Build your perfect customized report using the Botify Keywords API.

Stay Ahead of Trends

Know exactly when your content starts to perform for seasonal keywords or new topics instead of waiting for stale keyword rankings that could already be out of date.Additionally, Botify Keywords now allows you to keep track of all the new keywords that are performing well on each of your URLs. Gone are the days of having to manually curate keyword lists of thousands of keywords to make sure they are still relevant and current - let your users tell you what terms they are using.

Automatically Identify Winners & Losers Daily

Now you can easily detect positive and negative changes in your keyword performance at both the granular level with individual keywords as well as at the macro level with topical/structural themes by utilizing URL segmentation to slice and dice your website. Plus, you can easily discover when people are clicking on your results and use this data to make impactful changes to increase click rate.

Know Where Your Users Are Coming From

By automatically separating keyword performance by country, Botify allows you to compare markets and easily understand how your US targeted pages are performing in the US vs. the UK or vice versa. Having issues with local content in the same language ranking in the wrong markets? You can easily diagnose when that's occurring and monitor your performance over time to measure the impact of the fixes you implement.

We live in a mobile first world. Does your website?

Botify was already uniquely positioned to help SEO's know exactly when their websites were transitioning to the Mobile First Index through our industry leading SEO log file analyzer. Now we are helping SEOs know the impact of moving to the Mobile First Index on their websites.With Botify Keywords, you no longer need to choose between understanding your website rankings on either mobile OR desktop; we give you reports on the keyword performance of all devices by default.Assess the impact of moving to the Mobile First Index (MFI) across your entire keyword portfolio:

  • Have your number of mobile keyword rankings increased?
  • Are you performing better or worse overall after moving to the MFI?
  • Is there a disparity in your rankings for the same URL on desktop and mobile?

These are all questions every SEO is looking to answer with the move to the MFI that Botify Keywords helps answer.This new version of Botify Keywords is revolutionizing keywords research and ranking analysis by providing full transparency into what, when, where, and on which device people are searching. Ranking updates are done daily and directly tied to your technical SEO and content performance.Register for our webinar and discover how Botify Keywords can help you to achieve your goals:

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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