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Guest Post: "My Use Of Botify Log Analyzer"

 min read
April 15, 2014
Annabelle Bouard
Director of Education & Training Services is a German website with editorial content focused on health, wellbeing and medical information. Here is what Jörg, their Product Manager, told us about Botify Log Analyzer.In the last years and months, a big bundle of major updates in Google's algorithm, such as Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird, rewarded great and valuable content. So it makes perfect sense to invest time and money to create the best content for your website.Great content is not enoughHowever, having great content and caring for usability does not guarantee that your content will get the rankings it deserves. Of course, there can be many reasons if it doesn't, but one major factor is still whether and how search engine bots can explore your content. Understanding their behavior can be a real challenge, especially for large websites.Merging bots crawl data, user visits and website structural informationWe started using Botify on our websites at the beginning of 2013, precisely to manage this challenge. The log analyzer enables us to monitor search engine bots' behavior day by day. Botify not only allows to visualize search bots crawl data, it also combines this crawl data with information about content visited by real users, and structural information about our websites. The latter is issued from Botify's own website crawler. This powerful triangle of bots crawl data, real user visits and structural information is, as far as we know, unique in the market of SEO tools. We were able to identify optimizations which yielded stunning results and increased SEO performance on our websites.Daily monitoring, as well as fast diagnosisBotify is a great tool to monitor our website on a daily basis. We can detect every new crawl peak or drop and assess if it's good or bad, day by day. And we can do it with Botify faster than with any other tool that we know. Botify is also a great tool to monitor the effects of big changes on our websites.Reversing the trend from -20% to +50% in organic trafficIn September 2013, we relaunched one of our websites and switched to a responsive design. We altered the website structure significantly and migrated some parts of our websites to completely new software platforms. Right after the relaunch, we lost about 20 % of our organic traffic. The reasons for the drop were mainly based on structural issues and on a deterioration in crawl efficiency on our website. We were able to quickly pinpoint the causes by combining the crawl information and structural data from Botify. After solving these issues, we finally gained 50 % in organic traffic.Analyze, visualize and improve SEO key indicatorsThese experiences have shown us that Botify provides a perfect tool to analyze, visualize and improve important SEO key factors like crawl efficiency and optimized website structure. Our organic traffic grew significantly as a result. Using Botify was and is an absolute win for our business.Thanks Jörg for this testimonial! We really appreciate.Interested in this app for your website? Please, fill this form to request a demo of Botify Log Analyzer.

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