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Technical SEO

Spring SEO Events & Webinars With Botify

 min read
April 18, 2017
The Botify Team

Up your game - and your SEO strategy - with in-depth, informative, and technical SEO webinars and events!Get the latest tips and insights on the topics that matter most right now - Mobile, JavaScript Crawling, Google's Crawl Budget, and more - from industry experts and Botify's own technical SEO speakers.We want to be a part of the conversation to learn what's challenging SEOs and share how Botify can help uncover critical insights to help drive powerful optimization strategies.Here's where can you find Botify in the coming months...

Upcoming Webinars

Learn from Botify's best without ever leaving your desk! Listen in as our Technical SEO experts walk you through the how-tos of critical optimization techniques and in-depth technical SEO analysis.

  • Optimize Your Google Crawl Budget!Google has limited resources to crawl your site. Join us to explore how you can optimize your Crawl Budget and generate more SEO traffic.In English: Tuesday, April 25th - Register here Watch the replay here
  • New Feature: Custom ReportsThere's a new Botify feature, and we can't wait to share it! Custom Reports are here, helping you drive better results with your ideal SEO dashboard. Save the date to learn how to take advantage of this exciting new tool!In English: Tuesday, May 30th - Register hereEn fran√ßais: mardi, 30 mai - Inscrivez-vous ici
  • Understand the impact of JavaScript on SEODoes your website use JavaScript to render content and links? What impact is this having on organic traffic? Learn what Googlebot can really see on your siteIn English: postponedEn fran√ßais: postponed

See all our upcoming and recorded webinars here:

Find Botify at SEO industry events

  • BotifyCONNECT: NYC, May 4thLearn how some of the best SEO experts in the industry tackle complex topics like Crawl Budget, and how they leverage Botify to achieve their big organic traffic goals. Space is limited and going fast! Sign up now:
  • Botify Meetup: Paris, FR, May 11th2017 is the year of the Mobile-First Index. Are you prepared? Learn how top Enterprise SEOs have successfully navigated the move to mobile, with AMP, app indexing, and managing multiple site versions in their SEO strategies. Register now
  • Big Boss Summer 2017: Marrakech, June 9-11thHow do you increase organic traffic to your site? We'll be talking with leading Enterprise companies about growth-driving SEO strategies.
  • SMX Advanced: Seattle, WA, June 12-14thJoin us at the only conference dedicated to experienced Search Marketers! Seattle, here we come. Come see us to talk Crawl Budget, the Mobile-First movement, JavaScript crawling, and whatever other Technical SEO topics you've got on your mind. Register for SMX Advanced!

Stay tuned for more Botify Meetups in New York, London, and Paris throughout the year, covering in-depth SEO topics with experienced speakers ready to share their hard-won tips, tricks, and insights into driving organic traffic and revenue for their websites.And later in the year, you can catch us at some of the biggest SEO and Search Marketing conferences and events!Sign up and join us! We hope to see you there.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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