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Botify Announces New Measurement Benchmark Model for Confidently Calculating Return on Organic Search Spend

 min read
October 3, 2023
The Botify Team

Early-stage client testing and input validate a new measurement standard for reliably calculating the return on investment for SEO.

NEW YORK -- October 3, 2023 -- Botify, a leading performance marketing platform for organic search, announces an exciting advancement in calculating returns associated with organic search, known as Return on Organic Search Spend (ROSS). The new calculation model sets the industry standard for how enterprise brands and marketers measure and enhance their marketing investments. This coincides with heightened organizational efforts to maximize and employ cost-effective strategies to engage audiences and prioritize profitable channels for sustained growth and success.

"There's a pressing need for a standardized measurement framework to accurately measure the impact of organic search with confidence, as exists for ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend), to enable an informed and direct comparison," explained Adrien Menard, CEO and co-founder of Botify. "The value that a holistic, data-driven search strategy brings is often overlooked and misunderstood, and that's what we aim to change with ROSS."

Historically, calculating organic search returns has been challenging due to delays between optimizations and results, limited performance visibility, and a reliance on manual engineering processes instead of automation. This isolation of SEO from the broader marketing toolkit has forced long-term reliance on paid methods to enhance brand visibility.

By shifting this mindset with a model like ROSS, Botify is aiming to transform the value, and understanding of organic search. When fully leveraged, ROSS has the potential to de-silo SEO, empowering brands to make better decisions about how paid and organic search work together to drive profitable and sustainable brand findability.

Botify has successfully validated the ROSS model in early testing, by utilizing existing organic and paid search data provided by participating customers. The results enable the ability to elevate SEO across organizations by surfacing its true value, scalability, and sustainability of the measurement.

"As a data enthusiast, the idea of a fresh approach to measuring organic search impact is inspiring, and its connection to ROAS will help us develop a more holistic approach to search and promote SEO within the organization," said Tony Fong, Manager, Marketing - SEO + Deep App Linking at PUMA Group. "I can't wait to explore and elevate our search game."

Along with ROSS, Botify is delivering additional platform functionality to further empower its customers to measure organic search impact. Specifically:

  • Paid search data integration to facilitate a holistic search strategy.
  • Split-testing capabilities to quickly uncover which optimizations will deliver the most impact.
  • A revenue dashboard for a comprehensive, shareable view of marketing investments, for both paid and organic search.

Botify is committed to empowering customers with precise and reliable insights for measuring ROI in SEO. The company has, and will continue, to revolutionize organic search, prioritizing innovation and the advancement of ROSS - solidifying it as a new industry benchmark.

Learn more about why ROSS is needed.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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