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New in AlertPanel: More Alerts & Management Features

 min read
December 10, 2020
The Botify Team

This year we launched AlertPanel, an early warning system that identifies and notifies you of critical SEO issues to resolve before they turn into full-blown SEO horror stories. I like to think of AlertPanel as a smoke detector-- you hope to never use it, but you have them just in case. It's just not worth the risk.

But smoke detectors didn't stop at simply detecting fires. Today, they have advanced to detect more deadly gases we can't see or smell until it's too late.

Similar to how a smoke detector protects your home against many different potential disasters, AlertPanel protects your website, with alerts to prevent SEO fires like mass page deletions without redirects or indexing a private part of your website.

In this update, AlertPanel gets even more powerful, with further coverage for critical issues you would never know about until the damage is done. In addition to the sweeping coverage against SEO disasters, we've given you more control over alerts to help you resolve the problem faster, so you can take immediate action before Google discovers the issue.

1. View all impacted URLs in one click

Immediately view all impacted URLs or the relevant section of LogAnalyzer to further investigate the root problem directly from the alert. Watch the video to see it in action!

2. Additional alerts to protect your website

These powerful new alerts are designed to monitor different types of critical changes to page content and the internal URL structure of your website.

Bad canonical: The number of active pages containing a canonical tag to another page has increased.

Decrease in href links: The number of active pages with outgoing hreflang links has decreased.

Duplicate H1: The number of active pages with the same

tag has increased in the same language & zone.

Duplicate meta title: The number of active pages with the same meta title has increased in the same language & zone.

Incorrect href lang value: The number of active pages with an incorrect Hreflang value having a region or language value that is missing or invalid has increased.

Redirections (3xx response): Bots are trying to access an increasing number of pages that are not direct links (3xx HTTP status code). This is wasting your crawl budget and could result in search engines indexing less of your website.

We constantly add new alerts, and partner with the SEO community to determine which alerts types to build next. If you have a suggestion, we would love to hear! Shoot us a tweet @botify on Twitter

3. Focus on the alerts that matter

Easily mute alert notifications you are not interested in. These alerts will simply be hidden and can be reactivated at any time.

SEO Alerting is Available in Botify Pro!

We've built AlertPanel into the Botify Pro plan because we've learned from our customers with mission-critical web properties that they can't afford to miss anything that could adversely impact their organic search performance. So whether you're new to Botify or an existing Botify customer, let us know you're interested in taking advantage of the many benefits of Botify Pro. Request a platform demo.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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