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Sort and Organize Your Tracked Keywords At Scale with Keyword Groups

 min read
March 12, 2020
The Botify Team

SEOs and content managers who work on large sites often face a huge challenge -- keeping track of their keyword performance.

Why is that such a challenge? Because enterprise sites often rank for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of keywords, so pinpointing gains, losses, trends, and opportunities can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

keywords, impressions, and clicks trending upwards

Thankfully, there's a solution.

Today, we're proud to announce the launch of Keyword Groups.

What are Keyword Groups?

Keyword Groups, part of Botify's RealKeywords, gives you the ability to sort and organize your keywords into groups at scale.

With thousands of keywords to keep track of, and new ones you start gaining impressions and clicks for every day, it's critical to have a solution that allows you to bucket those keywords into manageable, logical groups.

For example, you can create groups of keywords by:

  • Intent (informational keywords, transactional keywords, etc.)
  • Topic (shoes keywords, shirts keywords, etc.)
  • Brand (all keywords that include your brand name)
  • And more!

Keyword grouping isn't necessarily new -- there are plenty of keyword tools that allow you put your keywords into groups. However, the thing we think is pretty special about Keyword Groups in Botify is that you don't have to know every keyword you want to include in each group. With Keyword Groups, you can create open-ended lists of keywords (by broad or exact match) that will be matched to your full keyword dataset Botify imports directly from your Google Search Console account.

So, whenever you start getting impressions for a keyword that matches the criteria you've set for a group, it'll automatically show up there -- talk about scalable!

If you're a Botify customer, check out our technical documentation on Keyword Groups for a step-by-step walkthrough of how to set up and manage your keyword groups.

Queries are changing, and our rank tracking needs to keep up

Not too long ago, Google announced its artificial intelligence system BERT, which aims to better understand searcher queries so they can serve more relevant answers. As Google gets smarter, searchers are getting more comfortable, letting go of their "keyword-ese" and searching in ways that feel natural -- even conversational.

For example, while people may have had to search "hiking shoes" to get a relevant result before, they now could conduct a search such as: "What kind of shoes have good traction for hiking?" and get an equally relevant, if not more relevant, result.

In instances like this, it's helpful for SEOs to be able to see all the queries their site is getting impressions and clicks for, not just the ones they manually selected to track at some point in the past. And with Keyword Groups, all those variations of hiking boots queries can be bucketed into a single group to keep track of together.

how to track keyword groups in botify
Keywords Performance by Keyword Group in Botify

Never worry whether you're defining the right keywords in a tracking tool again!

As if that wasn't helpful enough, you can look at the data in your Keyword Groups alongside other data in the Botify platform, such as your crawl (SiteCrawler) and log file (LogAnalyzer) data -- this is crucial for being able to understand the "why" behind your rankings and traffic metrics. Read more on that in our article, "What Your Website Analytics Isn't Telling You."

You can also view your Keyword Groups by segment. For example, if you were to use your blog posts segment to filter your data so you could see just your site's blog post pages, you could also overlay one of your keyword groups so you could see all blog posts showing up in the SERPs for those keywords.

Uncovering insights that inform better business decisions

Keyword Groups, and RealKeywords as a whole, can help you understand what your real audience is searching for, not just how your pages are performing against predefined keywords your audience may or may not be searching for.

Don't think of it as keyword data. Think of it as user data.

And with Keyword Groups, now you can organize that user data into the categories you care about to help drive smarter business decisions.

We're excited about this new feature because it'll bring not only organization, but also scale, to our customers' keyword data.

No matter how your audience searches for the topics that matter to you, we think you should be able to track it easily.

Now, you can.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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