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HTML Extract Select: Easy Access To The Information That Matters To You

 min read
February 15, 2018
The Botify Team

Enable faster, easier custom data extraction with our latest feature, HTML Extract Select!Gather custom HTML content, such as product prices and stock quantities, for every page on your website using CSS selectors. This custom data can assist not just your SEO efforts, but important business decisions.Manage ad spend based on inventory level, highlight restaurants with high ratings, promote authors with more comments. These critical pieces of information can only be extracted, collated, and manipulated with Botify's leading enterprise platform.

A Line of Code Delivers a Mountain of Custom Data

Botify tracks over 500+ SEO KPIs per page, but many marketers have specific attributes or content they want to monitor as well. HTML Extract Select makes scaled analysis of custom HTML possible.Use the power of Botify's crawler to extract information that would otherwise be prohibitively time consuming to compile. Monitor inventory fluctuations, location-specific metrics, or the number of articles with author tags.With a single CSS selector you can compile its associated HTML fragments, attributes, or tags across your entire website. Botify users have an expansive set of potential custom data insights available to them including:

  • Date, contributor, modified date, page type
  • Product discounts
  • Date first seen, date sold out, date restocked
  • Number of products sold
  • Number of comments in blog posts
  • Content ratings
  • Results count in internal search results page#Your Site, Your Rules: How to Harness HTML Extract Select

You can implement HTML Extract Select by navigating to Project Settings and clicking the "HTML Extract" tab. Use a CSS Selector to define the HTML fragments, attributes, or tags that contain the custom data you want to extract in Botify. Identifying a particular CSS selector is fairly easy, even if you aren't an experienced user of HTML/CSS. Use this reference for detailed CSS selector syntax.An easy way to identify CSS selectors in Google Chrome is to use HTML Inspector. Right click on the element you want to target, and then click Copy/Copy Selector. The little snippet that you copy will yield a mountain of custom data once you define it within HTML Extract Select.HTML Extract Select output can come in three different forms:

  • Text - This allows you to extract HTML elements that correspond to sequences of characters (i.e. "Dallas" for manufacturer location)
  • Integer number - An integer value ("103" for number of products available).
  • Floating point number - A number with a fractional value ("99.99" for subscription price)

A "Date" output is also now available. Regexes will remain in a second tab for advanced users.

Capture Your Custom Data (Almost) Effortlessly

HTML Extract Select allows you to harness the power of Botify's unparalleled SEO platform to extract custom website data. This data, in turn, can help you make practical decisions about your business, such as restocking times, author assignments, restaurants to promote, and more.HTML Extract Select empowers you to gain an overhead view of the moving pieces on your website, so you can decide what the next right step is for your business. Whether it comes to informing your SEO priorities, ordering new stock, or tracking key tags, HTML Extract Select puts the power of custom data into your hands, on your terms, without the hassle.Start using HTML Extract Select in your project settings, or book a demo to learn how you can take advantage of HTML Extract Select and the entire Botify platform!

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