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Breaking News! Botify Announces JavaScript Crawl

 min read
January 11, 2017
The Botify Team

Get all the power, speed, and analytical insights of Botify, now with JavaScript crawl. The first cloud-based technical SEO solution to offer JS analysis at enterprise-level capacity!

Crawl your full website, including JavaScript, with Botify.

Enterprise-level sites often depend on JavaScript for certain areas of text or linking. Traditional web crawlers can't see dynamic content and links rendered in JavaScript, like comment or recommendation widgets, despite search engines indexing them. Historically, SEO analysis for sites using JS has been difficult, and often missed critical aspects of site structure. Meanwhile, search engines (Google in particular) have advanced their crawling bots to understand site pages as they are seen in a web browser.It is critical for sites using JavaScript to access a comprehensive view of their site structure and data for more complete SEO analysis.

Botify now offers JavaScript Crawl

Finally, get all of the power of Botify even for websites that rely on JavaScript! Get all the insights of technical SEO analysis with a complete picture of your site text and linking no matter how they're rendered.

What you see with JS Crawling capabilities

Internal linking structure and content are critical factors affecting your Google ranking. Search engines can find and index your JS-rendered content; it's critical to know what they are seeing and how it's impacting your SEO.

  • Find Links: See the full scope of a page's outgoing links, including those dependent on JavaScript like a related products or recommended widget
  • Find Text content: Get accurate content quality analysis with the inclusion of content like product reviews and user-generated comments often rendered in JS

If search engines can find and index it, it's important to include in your SEO analysis. JavaScript is used for valuable content. Your SEO crawl must be comprehensive for an accurate view of your site.

What Botify's JavaScript Crawler can do

Your JavaScript-inclusive crawl can:

  • Capture and evaluate text content rendered with JavaScript
  • Capture and follow href links rendered with JavaScript
  • Be configured to not execute certain JS files, such as web analytics (to avoid inflating traffic metrics)
  • Cache resources to reduce stress on the website
  • Follow JS redirects

With JS crawl, you are able to include in your crawl external widgets like Facebook and Disqus comments, article recommendations like Outbrain, and other tools featuring content and links rendered in JavaScript and indexed by Google.Now, access comprehensive data for any Enterprise-level website, including JavaScript links and content for complete SEO analysis!Get in touch to learn more about Botify's new JavaScript Crawl!

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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