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Botify's Consulting Services: Unleashing Your Advantage

 min read
June 26, 2023
Brian Marin
Senior Vice President, Global Services

Organic search is steadily becoming the preferred channel by marketers looking for profitable and sustainable growth.

Recent data from Gartner points to an expected 45% investment increase in the organic channel, averaging about 9% of a CMO's total marketing budgets.

Yet such investment alone won't guarantee results. Organic search can be a complex and constantly-evolving landscape, with recent disruptions in Generative AI presenting fresh challenges to brands who want to be found organically. The right data and technology are critical, but so are the expertise and strategic insight required to act quickly and decisively in response to change and opportunity.

That's why we're excited to introduce Botify Advantage. With this new offering, our team of expert consultants takes the driver's seat, harnessing the full potential of our powerful technology to deliver turbocharged results, giving you the ultimate advantage.

Botify Advantage offers two packaged solutions:

  • Strategic Services: Using Botify's AI-powered technology, our experts help customers define their roadmap and work to support its successful strategic execution.
  • Managed Services: Using Botify's Analytics, Intelligence, and Activation suites, the Botify Advantage team defines and executes the strategy on behalf of the customer.

Organic search optimization requires wide-ranging and up-to-date knowledge of technical and content optimization strategies. Even with AI and automation helping teams move quickly, scaling strategic insight and in-house expertise can remain a challenge for brands on the road to organic growth.

Botify Advantage acts as an expert extension of our clients' teams. Specifically, our consultants help to:

  • Transform data into tailored organic search strategies. By using customers' first-party data, our consulting team identifies the means for immediate impact. From there, they will build the long-term strategy to deliver and maintain significant growth and revenue from organic search.
  • Garner executive and cross-functional support by demonstrating clear results to the business. Each with over a decade of experience, our consultants are highly skilled in communicating business impact in ways that resonate with technical, non-technical, and executive audiences.
  • Achieve measurable results within weeks by relying on Botify's expert consultants to prioritize and execute high-impact optimizations without waiting on engineering. Yes, you read that right. Leveraging Botify Activation we remove the age-old engineering bottleneck.

Customers, including TuneIn, have already leveraged our consulting services, achieving measurable success within weeks.

"The Botify consulting team has the expertise to provide actionable organic search insights while also possessing the agility to effectively immerse themselves within a company and help execute. They've allowed us to accelerate our audience growth, realizing measurable results, all while helping us develop a long-term roadmap," said Jamie Silverstein, Senior Director, Strategy and Business Operations, TuneIn. "Botify Advantage has proven time and again to be a trusted partner, and we are grateful for their collaboration."

Read the full press release here.

Are you ready to take your organic search strategy to the next level? Learn more about Botify Advantage.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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