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Get to Know our Botifyers of the Quarter (Q4 2021)

 min read
February 22, 2022
The Botify Team

Botify's core values are a huge part of our culture and are ingrained in day-to-day life at the company. These values are on display each and every day in the group of curious, humble, and bold Botifyers who are consistently going above and beyond for their peers and our customers.

Each quarter, we recognize Botifyers who exhibit our core values with our Botifyer of the Quarter award. Employees vote for fellow Botifyers who most exemplify our values, and we celebrate the winners at our quarterly global team meeting.

The following Botifyers were the Botifyer of the Quarter Winners for Q4 2021:

Patrecia (APAC)
Sofien (France)
Phoebe (UK)
Thomas (US)

Keep reading to get to know more about these amazing Botifyers!

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Patrecia: Hi, I'm Patrecia. I'm originally from Indonesia, but I've lived in four different countries for the past 15 years. When I'm not working, I enjoy figure skating, yoga, and baking. I'm a learn-by-doing type of person, so if I get curious about something, I will most likely try it myself to gain some understanding (and skills!) from it. I'm currently experimenting with cooking Mediterranean food.

Sofien: I'm Sofien, and I am in my mid-twenties. Not so long ago, I pursued the study of engineering in Nancy, a charming and endearing city in eastern France remodeled to look like Versailles. After four years there, I braved the cold of Montreal to specialize in software engineering.

I later returned to my hometown just outside Paris and to my family, with whom I share a singular passion: food! Together, we spend much time cooking and trying recipes from all over the world. With friends, we love taking up challenges through treasure hunts and escape games. While the clock is ticking, we have a lot of fun analyzing every little detail, putting clues together, and finding a solution. But what I definitely enjoy analyzing the most are my opponents in badminton and wrestling. In both sports, it is all about finding their next move and the perfect time to strike.

Phoebe: I enjoy exploring London's many amazing food and drink spots, spending time with friends, and running (slowly). I am currently training for the 2022 London Marathon!

Thomas: I've been working at Botify for the past 5 years. I love the company and the people that make it, love the product, and believe in our mission. Aside from work, I love bouldering (rock climbing) and a good restaurant. It's so satisfying to visit a restaurant I marked as "Want to Go" in Google Maps and switch it to a Favorite. But my one true passion is skiing, a sport I, unfortunately, can't do enough in New York.

What's your role at Botify?

Patrecia: Sr. Client Partner, Japan

Sofien: I have been working at Botify for two years on the Engineering team. I am a Software Engineer specializing in backend and API development, and I participate in diverse projects. Many of them are about offering Botify's clients a more comprehensive range of data from new sources and improving the tools that make it possible to manipulate a large amount of heterogeneous data in the most flexible way.

Phoebe: Customer Success Manager

Thomas: Director of Partnership, though in Q4 I was Director of Marketing Operations.

What is a typical day at Botify like for you?

Patrecia: I usually start my day early, as I'm working on Japan time in Indonesia. I talk to customers every day and make sure that they are doing alright platform-wise and SEO-wise. Internally, I also communicate a lot with the SDSes to brainstorm together on how we could help our customers further and improve their satisfaction with Botify.

Sofien: There are two things I do every day:

- Investigate and code! I am assigned several tickets every two weeks ("sprints" in the Agile terminology). It can be about implementing new features, improving existing ones, or fixing bugs. That is where I spend at least half my day.

- Review my peers' code. At Botify, every developer can and is encouraged to review other developers' code. It leads to better code, but it is also one of the most effective ways to progress and keep an eye on the platform's evolution. This is why I dedicate at least one hour a day to code review. On the other hand, I also spend some time answering my reviewers and taking their comments and suggestions into account.

Beyond that, I attend the team's Agile meetings, coordinate and keep track of the projects I lead and lend a hand whenever I can.

Phoebe: My typical day is fast-paced with a lot of client interaction, which I really enjoy.

Thomas: A good day starts with a good coffee. Then, I go through my email before meeting with my European co-workers and some partners. And when I'm not in a meeting, I'll work on some presentation or dig into automation and API documentation.

What is one of your proudest accomplishments at work or in your personal life in 2021?

Patrecia: Joining Botify! I also completed Botify certification in one day, only a month after I joined Botify :-)

Sofien: I cannot name a specific accomplishment at work this year, but I feel I have been able to help many Botifyers coming from different teams by taking advantage of my freshly acquired knowledge and skills. Regularly taking the time to give my colleagues a hand is what I am the proudest of.

Phoebe: Achieving Botifyer of the Quarter in my first quarter at the company :).

Thomas: Stepping up to lead the marketing team through 2 difficult quarters and deliver our best event to date: Crawl2Convert 2021.

If you had to pick one, which is your favorite Botify value and why?

Patrecia: "Go the Extra Mile. It's Never Crowded."

Sofien: "Be bold. Be you."

This is without a doubt the most special of the four Botify core values. It is the only one that does not entirely rely on the individual but also on the environment we are immersed in. I have been truly myself since my very first day at Botify, and if I feel that I do not need to play a role at work, it is because I have the chance to be part of a company well aware that differences and diversity are priceless assets!

Phoebe: "Go the extra mile, it's never crowded." Since joining, I have found many team members in the London office have gone out of their way to help me learn and build confidence in the role.

Thomas: "Learn Fast, Progress Faster" because it embodies how I see my job. I thrive to learn, this is what keeps me motivated. Me moving to Director of Partnership is a good example of that mindset.

What are you excited about for Botify's future?

Patrecia: The future of Botify Asia. We are still currently in the beginning phase but I could see that we have the right people on the team who will bring us in the right direction. がんばります!(Translation: I'll do my best!)

Sofien: Botify is growing at a swift pace! More than 100 Botifyers have been welcomed since I arrived, and the company has settled in three new international locations: Singapore, Tokyo, and Sydney! This naturally comes with countless new projects, each with its share of exciting technical challenges that the Engineering team will have to overcome.

Phoebe: More collaboration between the Northern & Southern EMEA teams.

Thomas: Our roadmap and how we are on a journey to redefine organic search as a performance marketing channel.

We would also like to recognize the following Botifyers, who were nominated for Botifyer of the Quarter:


  • Lucas Oriot
  • Adeline Marcusse
  • Andrea Maugars
  • Annabelle Bouard
  • Eddy
  • Emeline
  • Ghislain Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt
  • Julia Euscher-Klingenhagen
  • Noel Martin
  • Pierre Fourrier
  • Rime Kranfouli
  • Sominnin
  • Yves Bastide


  • Fred Goozee


  • Arthur Roncey
  • Austin Park
  • Autumn Taylor
  • Chad Simons
  • Cody Exter
  • Connor Cox
  • Dan Reno
  • Eric Scheydwasser
  • Haley Varma
  • Kip Shelton
  • Kirstin Langdon
  • Leslie Ramey
  • Tim Zhang
  • Vivian Ma
  • Ryan Ambler

Congratulations again to all of the winners and nominees! Botify wouldn't be where we are today without all of you. We are so thankful for all of your hard work!

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