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Botify and Piano Partner to Provide Better Understanding of Consumer Behaviors

 min read
November 17, 2022

The internet today has become increasingly complex for marketers and enterprise-level organizations looking to drive organic traffic to their web pages. Since consumers' behaviors are changing at lightning speed, too often, marketers have relied on more content and non-business measurements such as impressions, engagements, and "share of voice" to justify their performance evaluations and investments in SEO. This is limiting marketers' ability to forecast and deliver measurable ROI - which is no longer optional but a critical component of demonstrating improved performance.

Botify's new partnership with Piano's Analytics platform gives customers the ability to track their conversion data, harness actionable insights, and monitor their impact across users' first-to-last touchpoints with a brand. With this integration, customers can now cross-reference behavioral and conversion data with their crawl and ranking data to easily measure the impact of the performance of their pages with actual business metrics. In addition, marketers can quickly and effectively identify new opportunities to drive traffic and adjust their organic search strategy to improve its impact across their website visits, revenue, transactions, and custom metrics to drive more meaningful ROI.

Who is Piano?

Piano is a global subscription commerce and customer experience platform enabling brands to accelerate their advertising, analytics, and personalization initiatives in order to engage, monetize and measure content experiences.

Last year the company joined forces with an existing Botify partner, AT Internet, a leader in digital analytics and contextual data, to further empower organizations' ability to effectively measure and analyze how visitors interact and behave across enterprises' digital platforms.

Botify and Piano's Integration

Piano joins Google Analytics, Google Analytics 360, and Adobe Analytics as a complementary platform Botify customers can use to access their engagement data.

This integration allows marketers to get the most out of their 1st-party datasets to understand the true return on investment (ROI) of organic search through a holistic view of their website's organic funnel from crawl to conversations. Users can zero in on critical website optimizations faster, monitor dedicated alerts, and uncover meaningful insights.

With this integration, Botify can retrieve any visit or conversion metrics from Piano, such as, but not limited to:

  • The number of visits
  • The number of page views during a visit
  • The total time spent on a site
  • The number of bounces
  • The number of unique visitors that converted on a site
  • The number of unique identified visitors that converted on a site
  • The average sales turnover/revenue per unique visitors
  • The average sales turnover/revenue per unique identified visitors

More and more organic search marketing is seen as a performance marketing tool, delivering greater prescriptive insights and conversations. It's our goal to facilitate this major mindset shift - leading users, marketers, developers, and leaders into the future digital ecosystem.

Ready to empower?

The Piano integration is now available for all Botify customers -empowering teams to better understand the impact of organic search on revenue. If you are a Botify customer, check our integration guide, otherwise if you're interested in learning more about how Botify can help increase traffic, drive revenue, and generate a better ROI, click here to schedule a customized demo.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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