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Botify Partners with Neeva, The New Ad-Free, Private Search Engine

 min read
April 13, 2021
The Botify Team

Botify's mission is to connect consumers to the most relevant, high-quality content through search - regardless of which search engine or device they are using. Whether someone is on the hunt for a new pair of running sneakers on Google, looking for a delicious healthy pasta recipe on Bing, or looking for details on the latest breaking news story on Baidu, Botify helps our customers and their content get discovered and meet those searchers' individual needs.

The Essential Role of Search

With billions of searches taking place each day, it's safe to say search is embedded into our daily lives. But search, like any hyper-relevant, digital industry, isn't resistant to change.

Case in point, Neeva: the new search engine on the block.

Neeva is taking a new and different approach to search, building an ad-free, private search experience with a central focus on the end user. Also unique for the search landscape, their business model is premised on a small, monthly subscription fee for end users.

"Neeva is singularly focused on delivering high-quality, relevant content to our customers. Our business model ensures that we serve only our customers, not advertisers. To help Neeva customers discover great content, we want to partner with, empower, and deliver value to the brands who create it," said Sridhar Ramaswamy, Co-founder of Neeva. "Botify's role and perspective in the industry is a trusted one and we look forward to working together to not only shape the future of Neeva, but also the future of search."

"To help Neeva customers discover great content, we want to partner with, empower, and deliver value to the brands who create it."

Sridhar Ramaswamy, Co-Founder, Neeva

Botify shares Neeva's commitment to promote a safe web environment that gives access to quality information at scale. "The emergence of Neeva underscores the essential role that search plays within the digital experience," said Adrien Menard, CEO & Co-founder of Botify. "We're excited to partner with Neeva, support the growing search ecosystem, and continue to drive collaboration within the SEO community."

"The emergence of Neeva underscores the essential role that search plays within the digital experience. We're excited to partner with Neeva, support the growing search ecosystem, and continue to drive collaboration within the SEO community."

Adrien Menard, CEO & Co-Founder, Botify

Through the partnership, Botify will make sure Neeva can directly access the most up-to-date, critical content that customers are publishing. This not only accelerates content visibility and discoverability by end users, but also drives efficiency among SEOs, helping them to quickly and easily submit new pages to search engines for indexing, which reduces the time and resources needed to crawl the web.

Future-Proofing SEO

Rapid innovation and digital disruption is not only inevitable, but also welcome. The good news is that the introduction of Neeva into the ecosystem doesn't require Botify customers to redefine their approach to organic search, to try to figure out a new system, or to purchase another point solution. With Botify, your SEO strategy is future-proofed.

Botify's full-funnel approach to SEO is designed to help brands identify and tap into the opportunities that lie within their own search performance data. This requires a focus on, and an investment in, what they can control: the technical health of their website, the needs and intent of their website visitors, and the quality of the content that they produce to meet those needs. With this, there is assurance that their digital presence and organic search strategy is a sound and reliable one, and that Botify can consistently help improve performance, regardless of where their next customer is searching, external factors such as algorithm changes, or even the emergence of new modes and channels for search.

For more information on this opportunity, please contact your Botify Customer Success representative.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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