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Enterprise SEO

Botify Partners With Looker: Powering Insights To Boost Website Performance

 min read
December 3, 2019
The Botify Team

Today, brands rely on a multitude of sources for their data. Tomorrow, the number will only grow. Looking at your data holistically -- from rankings to revenue -- is essential for uncovering deeper insights and driving real impact. But that's easier said than done without an integrated set of tools.Incoming! We're excited to announce that we've partnered with Looker to amplify your team's understanding of the key metrics that drive your site, its health, and ultimately, its conversions. By integrating Botify with Looker, your company will achieve greater insights, accessibility, and efficiency across the board.

A glance into Looker

Looker is a unified business intelligence platform that delivers actionable insights to every employee at the point of decision. So, if your business uses Looker (or if they might in the future), you have the opportunity to pull in data from Botify Analytics for a more comprehensive view of key SEO metrics in correspondence with business metrics (like transactions, revenue, and more).The reality is, when everyone at your company is looking at the same data and sharing the same knowledge, they'll collectively be able to make smarter, more informed decisions. SEO is a huge factor in a site's ability to reach its audience, so it's high time that SEO metrics are elevated to the forefront -- in this case a high-level dashboard -- to be considered during critical business conversations. That's right, SEO data no longer has to sit in a silo.

So, why put SEO data alongside key business metrics?

Organic search, accomplished through SEO, carries huge potential for customer acquisition and purchases. Just look at the fact that more than 90% of online experiences begin with a search engine! Meanwhile, marketing and product teams are working away generating content and website experiences without the knowledge that Google is only crawling and finding about 49% of it. Not to mention that SEO data, like real searcher queries, can offer valuable insight into your audience that other teams will want to know.When so much of your traffic and revenue can come from Google and other search engines, it's vital to take SEO into consideration, but if the only way to view that data is within the Botify platform, insights remain in the hands of those who have access to the tool, or who know how to use it. Integrating with Looker helps democratize SEO.Not only does the Looker integration allow for other teams to more easily see SEO data within the context of their other metrics, but it also helps SEOs more easily communicate the value of their work to key decision makers. With Looker's visual dashboard, the data not only becomes accessible but also obvious to stakeholders who might not have understood the impact of the facts otherwise. On top of that, the data is tied with important metrics like user behavior tracking, revenue data, and other web analytics, allowing stakeholders to make supported decisions faster (while saving the SEOs time).See for yourself!"Botify provides enterprise brands with a wealth of data and insights about the health and performance of their website," said Meryl Serouya, VP of Partner Strategy at Botify. "And while that data has the power to uncover incredible opportunities for increased traffic, conversions, and revenue, it's even more powerful when analyzed alongside other business and channel metrics. By partnering with Looker, we remove the barriers and complexities associated with manually integrating fragmented data sources and help our customers realize the impact of SEO on business performance."Now let's take a look at the core benefits of integrating your Botify Analytics data with Looker.

Join your data into one unified dashboard

In a recent blog post, we talked about ways that you can benefit from unifying your SEO data -- covering everything from providing accessibility for stakeholders to eliminating room for error during tedious exports. At Botify, we pride ourselves on providing the first unified SEO data suite, and we're excited to say that our partnership with Looker takes data unification a step further.By unifying your SEO data with your site's key business metrics, your business unlocks unparalleled opportunities to analyze and remedy all of the factors affecting your website. For example, you can identify correlations between URL compliance or active pages with revenue transaction data or overlay your SEO data with other key channels, like paid media and direct traffic, to identify gaps and opportunities.Let's dive deeper into how you can attain granular, impactful insights using Botify with Looker:

  • Is it possible that your page speed is impacting revenue? In Looker, you can overlay performance data (i.e page load time) from Botify with conversion data to get a deeper look at the correlation between the two and prioritize site speed updates when needed.
  • If you work for a brick-and-mortar brand, you can consider overlaying Botify Keywords data, such as impressions and clicks, alongside data from Yext or Google My Business to see how many calls and messages they're driving to your store.
  • In order to understand which pages to prioritize for crawl budget optimizations, you can overlay log file data, revenue, and traffic source (organic vs. paid vs. social) to see the number of pages Google is crawling and the biggest drivers of traffic by segment.
  • As an e-commerce site during the holiday season, you can tie transactions for your top products with your organic search traffic and page load time to monitor technical issues in real time.

All of these insights and more make it easier to measure the impact of your investment in SEO and prioritize critical actions.

Gain greater visibility of your SEO data (and better talking points!)

Looking at your SEO data in silo will only get you so far. While Botify Analytics uncovers critical insights about your website's overall health and impact within search, overlaying the data with additional channels such as direct traffic or paid media to uncover insights is a gamechanger.With the combined power of Looker and Botify, you can use the most relevant metrics in key dashboards and reports for anyone on your marketing team -- C-suite, digital teams, and other key stakeholders -- to leverage in their day-to-day operations. When everyone is looking at the same set of unified data, SEO is more likely to be understood, prioritized, and acted upon.

Keep your data fresh while saving time and resources

In the Botify Looker Block®, your data will always be accurate and up-to-date. Each time we complete a crawl of your site, the data will be automatically refreshed within Looker.You'll no longer need to rely on manual or time-consuming data exports and report manipulation in order to present results. Rather than spending your time manually stitching data together, you can focus on insights and drive more impact for your business. Additionally, you'll be able to centralize and synthesize SEO data from various divisions or markets for a global and consistent view to utilize across teams.We're thrilled to bring Botify customers greater value from the tools they use most. With a more centralized and accurate view of their website, they'll be able to streamline and achieve goals faster and more efficiently.If you're a Botify customer, you can reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more about setting up Botify Analytics in your Looker dashboard.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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