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Botify's Conversion Forecasts Illuminate Your Site's Biggest Opportunities

 min read
October 11, 2018
The Botify Team

Whether it's analyzing organic traffic or improving bounce rate, Botify has always given SEOs real user data so they can shape key optimizations that ultimately boost their conversion rates.Now, with the addition of conversion estimates, these metrics are coming full circle! Botify's new conversion forecasts empower SEOs to precisely estimate - and fully optimize - their site's biggest revenue opportunities.

The Industry's Most Accurate & Comprehensive Data Adds Revenue KPIs

"Convert" is the final stage of the Botify Methodology. Botify's full integration with data sources such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Adobe Analytics, and AT Internet allows SEOs to harness real searcher behavior - like CTR and session duration - to create optimizations that steer visitors toward converting.Conversion estimates add another dimension to what is already the industry's most accurate and comprehensive behavioral data. Now you can combine our KPIs and third party metrics with revenue forecasts to shape the buyer's journey for your site's biggest opportunities.Conversion estimates are the logical evolution for the next generation of search marketing platforms!

Conversion Forecasts Uncover Your Site's Biggest Opportunities

Using contextualized visits data taken directly from Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and other source platforms, conversion forecasts estimate revenue - on both a site-wide and page-by-page basis - based on the number of visits to each page.Customize your own conversion rate, per number of visits, and revenue per conversion. Enable different conversion rates by device for the most contextualized revenue estimates. You can also customize the forecasts for currency to enable international analysis.Botify's revenue estimates allow you to see the biggest missed opportunities on your site, in dollars, for all sectors and objectives:

  • E-Commerce: Find a product page that could generate much more revenue if it boosted its mobile visits? Use Botify metrics, such as missed clicks and device CTR, to steer more mobile traffic to that specific page.
  • Lead Generation: Uncover a landing page that seems to be producing a low amount of revenue? Consider user behavior factors such as bounce rate, time on the page, and average pages viewed on the pages that link to the landing page. Understand how users are responding to your content and make optimizations that will drive them to convert.
  • Publishers: Want to measure the impact of your optimizations on ad revenue? Plug in your ad revenue rate per visit to generate tangible dollar amounts, and then cross-reference them with engagement KPIs such as real CTR and volume of impressions to identify your next opportunities.

Boost Your Bottom Line with Botify's Conversion Forecasts

Uncover the opportunities that will boost your bottom line! Go to your project settings and access the conversions tab to harness our new capability.Use revenue forecasts in concert with the rest of the Botify platform to generate big impacts that can be seen not just by you, but also by your entire company. Demonstrate your performance, to anyone, in dollars. Give your team the data it needs to communicate seamlessly across all your company's departments.And this is just the beginning of our journey to weave SEO KPIs with business metrics in a single platform. Stay tuned for more updates!

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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