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Botify Chrome Plugin: In A Single Click, Uncover Key SEO KPIs Directly On Each Page You're Optimizing!

 min read
November 15, 2018
The Botify Team

Every month, Botify crawls 2 billion pages, processes 25 billion search engine requests, and analyzes 450 million Google queries.Despite the vastness of our analyses, we always empower our customers with instant access to the exact data they need - big or small - right when they need it, and where they need it.Botify Chrome Plugin combines our depth of analysis with unprecedented instantaneity, putting the most critical KPIs in the hands of our customers when and where they need them - and all in a single click!Our Chrome plugin gives SEO stakeholders instantaneous access to the metrics that matter the most, including technical SEO, content, and now, real rankings.

All Teams and Stakeholders Can Harness Botify Chrome Plugin to Make Big Impacts

Botify Chrome Plugin gives SEO stakeholders immediate access to the most important SEO metrics, including visits, crawls, keywords, and content quality KPIs, among others, on a page-by-page basis within Chrome.The plugin allows SEO stakeholders to access their Botify data while they're browsing their websites. Now they can see critical Botify data, for each specific webpage, in real-time.Botify Chrome Plugin is freely available for all Botify customers in the Chrome Web Store.Teams and stakeholders of all stripes can use Botify Chrome Plugin to deliver stronger and faster performances, including:

  • SEO Teams - Gain the deepest insights into your most important URLs, right as you're browsing your site. Illuminate your inlinks - you're just one click away from a list of every internal page that links to each URL. Then see all similar pages for each URL to find strong linking opportunities. Uncover internal PageRank, linking analysis, page compliance, number of crawls from Google, visits by device, and page depth, among others. Break up redirect chains and canonical errors instantly. In a single click, make fixes in real-time, at the tip of your finger.
  • Content Teams - Prime your webpages and articles for the highest rankings possible. Match your content with the keywords you want to optimize. Unmask the keywords that people are actually searching for on each page, especially for top-tail content. Discover pages whose most popular keyword isn't in the title, then add the keyword to the title. Target these keywords strategically for each page. Access Botify's Content Quality insights to optimize content instantaneously.
  • Marketing Executives - Explore your site and immediately gain access to top level performances metrics for any page, including organic visits, keywords performance, impressions, page position, and CTR. Outwit the competition with incisive and tangible data that's right at your fingertips - for all crawled pages.

Botify Chrome Plugin Is the Easiest Way to Instantly Assess A Page's SEO Impact

After installing the Botify Chrome Plugin, the hideable sidebar will appear in your Chrome browser. Customers can instantly see key insights for each URL, including:

  1. Main Metrics - See top KPIs: date crawled, internal PageRank, delay, HTML tags, etc.
  2. Keywords - Uncover the real user queries and associated user behaviors for each URL.
  3. Inlinks - A map of all page inlinks.
  4. Outlinks - A map of all page outlinks.
  5. Visits - See a comprehensive visits report: visits by device (desktop, mobile, tablet), bounce rate, average duration, etc.
  6. Crawl Behavior - Understand Google's crawl behavior on the page: No. of crawls from Google, no. of days with crawls, first crawl, last crawl, etc.
  7. Content Quality - Analyze real content quality: page similarity, no. of words, % of N-Grams.
  8. Mobile Insights - Follow mobile versions: AMP URL, device URL, alternate to mobile URL warnings.

Along with many more KPIs! Also, see warnings in real-time, such as when a page is non-indexable. And the best thing - as we'll say again - is that the plugin is free for all Botify customers.

Botify Chrome Plugin: Optimize Your Most Important Pages Quickly with Instant Access to Key Metrics

Botify Chrome Plugin combines instantaneity and powerful analysis in a single click, giving our customers the KPIs they need directly at their fingertips.Our plugin empowers all teams, and every SEO stakeholder, to complete projects with speed, efficiency, and impactfulness.Use Botify Chrome Plugin to optimize your most important pages quickly, with instant access to the metrics that matter the most!

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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