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Analyze All Of Google's Content Ranking Signals In A Single Dashboard With Botify!

 min read
April 19, 2018
The Botify Team

Gain actionable insights into every factor - big and small - that impacts content performance with Botify! Botify enables you to review content quality just like Google does, across millions of pages at a time.Ascendant technologies such as AMP, structured data, and mobile devices have all impacted the way Google assesses content quality. At the same time, the mainstays of content quality - like length, duplication, and template versus non-template - continue to play fundamental roles.Botify is the only platform that bridges this gap. Our content quality analysis is designed to track and analyze all of Google's multivariate content ranking signals, on the largest scale imaginable… in a new single dashboard!Fast forward to specific sections if you want a targeted read:

Evaluate Your Content Like Google Does

Botify's content quality capabilities allow users, in an unprecedented fashion, to analyze content just like Google does.Content vs. Template - Botify is the only platform that separates templated material (navigation, footers, sidebar) from the actual content of the page. This is a key analytical differentiator that must be analyzed in order to truly adopt Google's methodology.Content Uniqueness - The word count is then determined from the non-templated content. Botify, like Google, analyzes content uniqueness, or the percentage of the page that's unique to each specific page. Botify accounts for Google's content uniqueness with analysis based on n-gram percentiles.Page Similarity - Like Google, Botify analyzes page similarity, on an enterprise scale. This identifies all the pages whose non-templated content is similar and analyzes the level of similarity. This helps identify pages or groups of pages that might end up devaluing each other due to duplication.Botify monitors hundreds of content KPIs, touching on topics as diverse as AMP and structured data. But Botify is the only platform whose content quality methodology enables our customers to analyze their content just like Google does, no matter the SEO scenario. And this form of analysis comprises the foundation of our newest dashboard.

Match the Parity Between Your AMP & Desktop Content

Content quality analysis of mobile pages brings its own set of requirements, and Botify is uniquely equipped to verify and optimize these deployments on the largest possible scale.Content Parity - Google has announced that AMP pages must share content parity with their desktop equivalents, or face potential exclusion from AMP-specific search features. Match AMP pages to their desktop equivalents with interactive charts that map similarity across site segments.For the first time, understand the relationship between indexable mobile pags and organic visits. Chart active AMP pages versus active desktop pages to measure the disparity between visits.

Target Opportunities & Find Optimizations with Dedicated Structured Data Insights

Structured data is an important content quality marker because the information within schema can have an affect on how search engines understand and judge the page.Botify combines the most insightful contextualized charts and reports for structured data into one dashboard.Structured Data Distribution - Understand how structured data is distributed across your website to help determine areas for improvement, and make decisions around what structured data types to build upon or remove.Errors in Your Structured Data - Optimize structured data on your website by identifying structured data errors, at scale, and on specific segments of a site to identify high-value opportunities and costly mistakes.Structured Data Types - Understand how different structured data types are deployed across your website to spot opportunities to add structured data to key segments or introduce new types.Fully understand structured data as a component of content quality, and generate optimizations that make big impacts on the performance of your content in search!

Analyze the Classics: Optimize HTML Tags, Canonicals, and Anchor Text Sitewide

Of course, Botify's content dashboard enables you to optimize the classic content quality markers too, such as HTML tags, canonicals, anchor text, and more.HTML Tags for Indexable URLs - Hone in on potentially quick and easy optimizations across facets such as HTML tags. Correct duplicate titles to differentiate content and target key searchers. Add meta descriptions to increase click through from the SERP.Canonical Optimization - Ensure canonicals are implemented properly. Google will ignore canonicals that are sending confusing signals or not complying. Identify where there are disparities in the distributions of your canoncials, and understand exactly why this happening.Diversify anchor text - Understand anchor text distribution across a website. Gain greater insight into internal linking by discovering pages not just with few links, but also with little diversity of anchor text.Botify's new content dashboard combines all the fundamental, big picture analytical capacities of the platform with the nuts-and-bolts optimizations enabled by these classic optimizations.

Create and Evaluate High-Performing Content Like Google, In a Single Platform

Enterprise SEOs who want to engage in content quality optimizations need a tool that can track and analyze all the content ranking signals evaluated by Google, at scale. That's why Botify's content quality dashboard comes stacked with everything that makes Botify unique:

  • Segmentation - Create and apply SEO analysis to groups of URLs that mirror the segments/sections of your site. Analyze content quality across these pages as a group. Segments now appear automatically on all content quality analyses so you can immediately access curated insights.
  • Comparison Over Time - Track the evolution of your content over time to monitor changes to content indicators like length and uniqueness across all segments of your website. How does fresh content impact organic search performance? Did recent optimizations impact performance, as expected?
  • Enterprise Exports - Freely export enterprise data sets containing any of the hundreds of Botify's content quality KPIs.#

For maximum compatibility, Botify's content quality analysis works with any major language including French, English, German, Mandarin, etc.Today, Botify brings analysis of all of Google's content ranking signals into a single, unified dashboard! Now SEOs can make optimizations that are streamlined, incisive, and comprehensive, with full visibility into the most critical content quality determinators.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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