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2023 Botify Values Awards Winners

 min read
April 5, 2023
The Botify Team

We are excited to share the winners of our 2023 Botify Values Awards.These Botifiers have greatly exemplified one or more of our Core Values throughout their time with Botify in 2022. They were chosen from a long list of well-deserving employees across all our global offices and departments.

We interviewed them to get to know them more personally and learn why they are so passionate about Botify.

Claire Laboissette, Senior Brand Designer

Tell us a bit about yourself. How do you like to spend your free time outside work, any hobbies you are passionate about?

Spend time outside of work? I'm kind of a workaholic! But yes, I have many hobbies like bouldering, illustration, and drinking natural wine. :)

How long have you worked at Botify?

5 ½ years.

What is a typical day at Botify like for you?

It varies too much! My main tasks are meeting and understanding the client's needs through interviews, delivering material (boards, presentations) to explain their pain points, and trying to find solutions with prototypes. All of this is done with a lot of collaboration with my Product Manager, the developers, other designers, and so many others!

What is one of your proudest accomplishments at work or in your personal life in 2022?

To have moved from the UI & Brand Intern position to Senior Product Designer! I have the feeling that my work environment allowed me to bloom quickly. I'm proud of my progression and of the amazing collaborators I've had to be able to do so.

If you had to pick one, which is your favorite Botify value and why?

Work Hard Stay Humble, because it's the value I've been nominated for! :) As collaboration is key in every professional environment, good communication cannot happen if people in the room are not able to question themselves. Staying humble is key, and it can never be taken for granted, you always have to work on it.

What are you excited about for Botify's future?

I hope Botify will grow and still embody its values through its progress, its decisions and its employees. I'm excited if in the future we grow with ambition while keeping what I found there 5 years ago: a real human dimension.

Sarah Rouwendal, Customer Success Manager

Tell us a bit about yourself. How do you like to spend your free time outside work, any hobbies you are passionate about?

I'm originally from The Netherlands and I am based in Botify's Singapore office. Besides Singapore, I have spent some time in China, Malaysia and the UK. Living in Singapore allows me to travel and explore different countries around South East Asia, which I love!

How long have you worked at Botify?

One year

What is a typical day at Botify like for you?

Every day at Botify is different, I talk to clients from various industries and markets, learn about their challenges, and think of ways Botify can support them to reach their business goals. On a daily basis, together with our team, I try to help these clients grow online traffic and revenue through leveraging our platform to unlock organic search.

What is one of your proudest accomplishments at work or in your personal life in 2022?

Over the past year, I have had the courage to step out of my comfort zone, by moving across the world and starting this new role. I am proud that I have managed to quickly grow into this role successfully and prove that success does not necessarily come from experience. Now, I'm looking forward to helping the team take Botify APAC to the next level in 2023!

If you had to pick one, which is your favorite Botify value and why?

Learn Fast. Progress Faster would be my favourite Botify value, as I personally believe it is important to never stop learning and this value also defines Botify as a company. We are constantly learning from industry trends, emerging technologies in our field, and thinking of new ways to better serve the needs of our clients. The pace at which Botify has evolved into what it is today would not have been possible without learning fast, and progressing even faster.

What are you excited about for Botify's future?

Botify is leading the way in terms of innovation. Through our latest product suite and our machine learning technologies we are giving brands the engine to accelerate and control their organic visibility. Some of the world's most visible websites are already driving automation at scale with these latest products, so I'm very excited to help our clients in the APAC region also discover the power of automation in organic search. These product innovations will help create value faster and at scale for our clients, driving growth for their businesses. Exciting times ahead!

Dan Reno, Solutions Consultant

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? How do you like to spend your free time outside work, any hobbies you are passionate about)?

Cooking for my family is one of my all time favorite things to do outside of work. Outside of that, and not to get too meta already, but exploring various hobbies kind of IS my hobby.

And how long have you worked at Botify?

A little over 18mos

What is a typical day at Botify like for you?

I've been primarily focused on both selling and implementing SpeedWorkers, a Botify Activation solution, for new and existing customers. Sometimes I'm deep in the weeds finding use cases for SpeedWorkers and digging into optimization opportunities, while at other times I'll be working directly with customers to better understand their needs and develop an implementation strategy accordingly.

What is one of your proudest accomplishments at work or in your personal life in 2022?

In my personal life during 2022, I'm proudest to say that my wife and I celebrated our 10th year of marriage! At work, my proudest accomplishment is that I had a direct impact on converting 100% of our SpeedWorkers Proof-of-Concept agreements into full contracts.

If you had to pick one, which is your favorite Botify value and why?

Learn Fast. Progress Faster. -- I'm a lifelong learner. I love diving deep into something I find interesting and/or challenging, so this is definitely my favorite Botify value.

What are you excited about for Botify's future?

Botify Activation -- we have a legitimate opportunity to "change the game" in the SEO industry (Enterprise, especially) and I am so excited and grateful to be able to contribute in making that possible at Botify.

Dan Sharp, Senior Account Executive, NEMEA

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? How do you like to spend your free time outside work, any hobbies you are passionate about)?

Those that work close to me will know I'm a big Liverpool fan and whilst I love London, I am in the process of moving out of town and closer to family in Cambridgeshire.

How long have you worked at Botify?

Almost 5 years.

What is a typical day at Botify like for you?

As an AE my role is to support prospective clients in their evaluation of Botify. With the current market and the economic headwinds in eCommerce, businesses are increasingly looking for more sustainable sources of revenue and are having to 'do more with less'. Organic Search is often a goldmine of opportunity but businesses don't have the analytics and automation tools to realise its potential - which is where we come in!

What are you excited about for Botify's future?

Botify PageWorkers - and the future is now! With all the will in the world, businesses have only been able to realise Organic Search revenue potential if Developers action the tickets that come their way. Bottlenecks and competing business priorities mean that this can often take months to happen. BotifyPageWorkers removes that business challenge and allows organisations to action tickets in minutes, without the need for tickets and queues. It's vastly improving time-to-value and helping to realise revenue potential that would otherwise be left on the table!

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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