Build Linking Strategies that Boost Your Performance

Linking is the architecture that binds your website together. The way you construct your linking directly influences a host of diverse SEO factors, including crawl ratio, rankings, conversions, user behavior, site structure, and almost everything else on your site.

The fundamental importance of linking has never wavered. But the linking strategies that SEOs are most familiar with have changed with the advent of larger sites, JavaScript crawling, and new ranking impacts.

In our latest webinar, we’ll show you how to bridge the gap between new and old linking strategies to maximize ROI with the Botify Methodology!

In the webinar, you’ll learn killer insights about how to implement the Botify Methodology – from crawling, to rendering, to indexing, to ranking, to converting – to build linking strategies that skyrocket your performance.

Uncover the answers to all the key link strategy questions, including:

  • What is the correlation between a superb linking architecture and the crawl ratio of your strategic content?
  • How does a strong linking strategy enable your content to convert?
  • What is the real impact of inlinks on rankings?
  • How do you understand the way JS impacts your SEO – including linking strategy?
  • What is the relationship between page depth and crawl ratio/rankings – and how does linking play a role?

Watch us merge new and old strategies to gain real visibility into one of SEO’s hottest topics. Learn how to build linking architectures that foster growth and real results. Extract the latest optimizations for immediate implementation.

This webinar is open to all SEO professionals. Register now!